1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the toymaker.social moderators.

  1. we will not tolerate bigotry.
  2. do not harass or spam our users.
  3. trans rights are human rights.
  4. Posts must be in English or Spanish, we don't have the resources to moderate posts in other languages.
  5. Keep it safe for work. If you're posting or boosting something that isn't work safe, tag it as such.
  6. Don't be an ass
  7. Our moderation team reserves the right to block, de-federate, suspend, or close the account of anyone at any time, for reasons listed on this list or for other reasons at the moderates discretion. This is not a democracy, and we're not here to debate.